November 17, 2014 RUIZ MUSI "the troquel " clutch multi color python skins available for Press @publicimagepr #ruizmusi @ruizmusi #python #bags #accessories #springsummer2015 #publicimagepr Share it back to news ← previous postHeart shaped key hole from a house in Corso Umberto ,Noto Sicilia , I took this photo a year ago , the heart disappeared since , stolen heart ? @angelicagrizi #sicilia #noto #heart next post →Nadja Auermann photographed by Nico and styled by Vanessa Metz wearing "Coco Flannel " in dark grey by CAST Eyewear for L'Express Styles @vanessmetz @lexpress_styles @nadjaauermann @casteyewear #casteyewear #supermodels #eyewear #press #nadjaauermann