Instagram / July 8, 2015 ASSK featured on the cover if SPOON magazine issue 3 @assk_paris #press #assk #publicimagepr #prints
Instagram / July 8, 2015 Yasmine Eslami one piece Marisa swimsuit worn by Angela Lindvall for Marie Claire France , styled by Anne Sophie Thomas photos by Elina Kechicheva @yasmineeslami @annesophiethomass @angelalindvall @marieclairefr #yasmineeslami #swimwear #press #publicimagepr
Instagram / July 7, 2015 "you are" Light Vk Lillie beautiful jewelry couture installation @grrraceatkinson @vklillie #vklillie #couture #jewelry
Instagram / July 7, 2015 #regram @christianssonparis DROMe leather kimono jacket featured in The Reality Show magazine photographed by Hans Feurer and styled by Caroline Christiansson @drome_italy @christianssonparis thank you @ladytiffanygodoy #therealityshow #DROMe #press #hansfeurer